7 tips to increase wellbeing

Nowadays, we are often stressed and have a full schedule. That can have a negative effect on our health and wellbeing. So, it is important to have a look at ourselves and our wellbeing.


In the following are some tips, which can help to increase your wellbeing:


1.) Take time for yourself


It is important to take time for yourself, no matter how stressed you are or full your schedule is.

When you don´t take time for yourself, you cannot live a happy and balanced life, which can have a negative effect on your family and friends. It is not selfish to take time for yourself. 10 minutes per day are enough, if you have to much things to do.  Do whatever you want during this time. For example, read a book, do sports, listen to music, be creative etc.


2.) Look in the mirror and smile at yourself


This sounds a bit weird, but try it and you will see that it can change your mood.


3.) Be active - do sports or go out for a walk


Doing sports is always a good way to increase your wellbeing and mood. Even if you don´t like to do sports, try at least a little walk with fresh air or just sit down and enjoy the nature.


4.) Learn something new or try an old interest


Learning can give us new opportunities and can increase our wellbeing, as well. Be creative! Learn an instrument, do a workshop, do crafts or try an old interest again. Every person has wishes, so think about what you would like to learn and try it!


5.) Do relaxation exercises - Yoga, Meditation, Progressive Muscle Relaxation


Relaxation exercises help us to set the focus on oursleves. At the beginning is can be a challenge to focus completly on you and your body, but after a while, you will see that it can help you a lot. It helps you to get another view, calm down or just be happy.


6.) Be friendly to others or do something nice - you get what you give


Say "hello" to other people, help older people or be a volunteer. Put a smile on other people´s faces. This is good for your wellbeing and as you maybe already experienced in your life- you get what you give. If you are friendly and helpful, others will do so, as well. If you are unfriendly and don´t care about others, you will be alone.


7.) Connect with others - family, friends, workmates


Meet, connect and talk to your family, friends or workmates. Most people feel the same like you and talking about similar topics or having the same hobbies help to be happier and increase your wellbeing, as well.


Sometimes, it is difficult to find time for yourself, but it is important for a happy, healthy and balanced life. It can have a negative effect on your family, friends or workmates, if you are unhappy and unbalanced for a longer time.



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