Daily living tips for kids and adults, travel and more
Alltagstipps und Aktivitäten für Kinder
Alltagstipps für Erwachsene
Reisen und im Ausland leben
Daily living tips and activities for kids
Daily living tips for adults
Travel and living abroad
Do- it- yourself
About Me
Travel and living abroad
Travel and living abroad
Travel and living abroad
Photos and videos of Australia´s beautiful nature
Australia has lots of beautiful places to offer...
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Travel and living abroad
12 lovely lookouts at Australia's east coast
Our natur has so many beautiful places to offer. In the following are some of my favourite lookouts along the Australian east coast. Blue Mountains
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Travel and living abroad
Moving to another country and tips for preparation
Now and then there are discussions in every relationship about everyday life, structures, issues or even the future. Since our everyday life was pretty structured and secured and we had good jobs and a nice flat...
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